Good week to everyone!
We know whales can live for 50 to 75 years, but not everyone knows that after they die, their decomposing bodies can support a whole community of organisms and other sea life for an additional 50 to 75 years.
There is a video that shows de decomposing process which is not only fascinating on an educational level, but it’s also a feast for the eyes through the use of animation, paper cutouts and puppetry. This video is part of the new way of showing staff, of educating… it can be through videos, workshops, or conferences that show in an explicit manner any important topic, and so, generating consciousness in an efficient way.
Sometimes, that which is graphic, explicit, is useful for bringing awareness, like the following picture my brother sent me, which shows quite simply the benefits for traffic, health and the environment by using the bike:
In Buenos Aires, Argentina, each first Sunday of every month, people of all ages, religion, and profession – you name it – gather up in what is called the “critical mass” and go around the city forming a mass of thousands of bikers who silently state the benefits of biking as a urban transport. It is an amazing idea which can be replicated in any city around the world.
The members of “Biciconga” – under the slogan the friends of the bike are my friends – always assist the critical mass and have a lovely manuscript in the name of the bike. If you are a bike lover, you should read it! (Although it is only in Spanish!) =)
Last, but not least, I give you a brief video for those who never stop to contemplate. It is called “One Moment Meditation” and it is the basic technique to slow down a little bit. Hope it works for you!
Power Hug,
Brian Longstaff.-
Alexander Longstaff Nov 01 , 2011 at 10:22 AM /
Excelente video! Me costo el principio, pero despues del momento de meditacion, agradeci haberlo visto!
Florencia Busnelli Nov 03 , 2011 at 12:28 AM /
me gusto =)
gracias cuniado por el momento de meditacion