I was really moved by the story of a Canadian kid who quenched the thirst of half a million people in Africa. This kid, Ryan, was motivated at the age of 6 at school and never stopped since then…
Ryan clearly highlights the importance of helping people from where one can do or from where one believes he is doing it. And the importance of MOTIVATION to activate yourself to do things for our planet, for life itself. To not drive yourself mad trying to save the Earth, but being the pebble that strikes the lake and seeing the ripples created expand towards those who surround you; creating a buzz… I do not know how, of course I do not know how, but I believe we can all be studying different careers, working in different fields, or expressing art in thousand different ways and still there exists a plane –a very subtle one- in which every branch of the human mind can insert a little bit of sustainability, of nature, ofecology, of consciousness.
Brian Longstaff.-
Ps. For those who want to get info on the laws that censor internet, Santiago Bilinkis uploaded an interesting article to his web site. I shall translate a paragraph, as I believe that my site and any site that lends info out for everyone to see is at risk.
“In essence, SOPA allows to shut down any web site were author’s right could be being violated with no judge in between, including any site which “facilitates that content’s diffusion”. It holds Google responsible for the content of the sites it displays, Facebook for the stuff members share, every tiny blog for the web sites they are linked to, etc. With the excuse of fighting piracy, this censor power which is given to an administrative authority can be easily abused to silence any voice that importunes.”
Seba Roldán Jan 30 , 2012 at 11:49 AM /
Tambien muy buena la nota sobre SOPA, aunque el tema no es tan facil, dotcom es un delincuente desde hace mil años y ahora lo agarraron por esto, pero hace rato que viene safando.
Santiago Minvielle Feb 07 , 2012 at 10:18 PM /
Buena nota de Ryan y muy buena columna de SOPA
Clari Dadourian Mar 05 , 2012 at 09:29 PM /
Me encanta la página. Sos tan groso. Y me pareció impresionante lo de Ryan!