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Gregg Braden is an author who I enjoy a lot reading. He is a Geologist and an engineer who designs aerospace systems, but his last studies postulate him as a scientist and mystic. The combination which fascinates me: the rational and non-rational, that which is thought and that which is felt, the tangible and the spiritual. In one of his books, which blew my mind, I read:
“(…) quantum theories suggest that the universe and our bodies are composed of ever changing energy fields that interact with one another to create our world in ways which can only be described as possibilities. This is important for us, because we are part of the energy which is interacting. And our consciousness on this knowledge is what modifies all.
When we recognize that we are tangled up with the energy dance than permeates creation, that awareness changes who we believe we are, what we always thought it was the universe and how we believe that our world operates. And what it´s more important is that it transforms our role, from being only passive observers to powerful agents of change who interact with the same substance of which everything is made.” – Gregg Braden. La curación espontánea de las creencias. Cómo librarse de los falsos límites. (The Spontaneous Healing of Belief) Editorial Sirio. España, 2008. Pág. 33
In this video, Braden puts those words into action in an incredible way: showing and analyzing the healing of a cancer tumor in 2 minutes, 40 seconds through the –oriental– management of the notions of energy. What for us –occidentals– is considered a miracle, for the East is no more than applying proactively a technology which is available for everyone.
The “Divine Matrix”, the way Braden names the energy field that permeates all the existence, feels instantly what we feel and emanate outside of us (could be good vibes, bad attitude towards life, whatever, it perceives it and translates it to reality)
That’s why the attitude of leaving for tomorrow what you can do today, is more accurate than we believed. By postponing our dreams, or waiting for all the variables or necessary conditions in order to start doing something we want to do, we are taking our power of action to the grave, because the energy field perceives that what we want is not for the present, but for afterwards… and, hence, we get stucked.
The most profound thought Braden proposes through his studies is the following: the human DNA has a direct effect on the physic world. But human emotions –consciousness– changes that DNA, which at the same time changes the physical world, which happens thanks to the existence of the energetic field which connects everything and everyone.
In a recent project work I presented at university on the sociocultural implications of James Lovelock’s Gaia Theory (which you can read here, unfortunately in Spanish only), I explored the retro alimentative relation which Geophisiology studies, between Darwin’s natural selection (how climate changes the living beings through environmental variables) and Gaia’s Theory itself, which says that the biosphere changes the climate as well, hence, the environment. This is because the biosphere acts as a climate regulating entity by exchanging mass and energy with its environment.
Braden´s insights give strength to these ideas, by showing that conscioussness changes our way of thinking, hence, our way of taking action and altering our environment.
Once again, our species has the capacity to turn everything around. Cheers!
Brian Longstaff.-
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