My friends…
There’s been an interesting piece of information circulating the web on this side of the planet regarding the measure taken by Engineer Martín Oscos, Livestock and Agriculture General Director of the Rio Negro Ministry of Production, by which the head of a puma is valued in 125 dollars, just because they are eating the cattle.
The Puma has reigned with his entire splendor over the hills of our lands… but the agricultural explosion, produced by 5 billion hungry mouths which were born/sprouted in only 200 years in this planet, made their habitat fragmentized by railroads, highways, fences, civilization. In a schizophrenic act looking for food, yes indeed, the puma ate a couple of the cows we fatten.
From an ecological point of view (the one which clearly Engineer Oscos forgot, although Engineering is supposed to give answers which solve problems with one’s wit and not with IGNORANCE), the puma, like one of my professors would say, is “Top” of the food chain, he is above everyone, eating the middle ones who eat the tiny ones, regulating the food chain from above. They are known as an umbrella species, because protecting these species, means you are protecting indirectly many others which conform the community of the habitat.
What strikes me is that WE imposed our own food chain by expanding our agricultural frontiers. The fact of raising cattle only means that we are putting an intermediary between us and grass (one of vegan’s baseline assumptions). Hence, why does the head of a puma have a price of 125 dollars? 125 dollars?
In his well-known letter, Chief Seattle said:
“This we know: the earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself”
Here you can find a simple letter to send yourself an email to Engineerer Oscos, or better yet, here you can find several other mails of each and every politician involved in the madness of shooting the pumas dead…
What keeps on buzzing in my ears is the email of this guy Oscos: [email protected]
What!? HYDROCARBONS?!?! – What the #$%/%& does Big Oil have to do with Livestock and Agriculture!? – I will NEVER understand it.
I salute you.
Brian Longstaff.-
Agustin Estala Jul 16 , 2012 at 12:52 PM /
Noel Sisî Jul 18 , 2012 at 01:19 AM / hay direcciones de mail y una carta modelo para enviar también, saludos!