I ask for a little bit of abstraction here. Only for a moment. BUM!! And out we go to the outer space… to orbit for a while around the Earth. Just like that…
Everything is so measured, predictive, broken down, disarmed, heartless, fragmented, exhausted, transfigured and cut into tiny terrestrial life pixels.
All we can see is only surface, a shield, a warm jacket, a camouflage. They hide the truth.
We live immersed in our society, in our reality and we forget to live, to stop and allow yourself to dream. The good moments, are born from the depersonalization of the body, the skin, tissues, bark, mould… Only when you transcend that, the good things come. When you overcome structures, prejudice, competition, the laws of the free market and everything else, the human values remain, the relationships, to trust on one another again.
We are deranged, filled up to the top with daily chaos, people trying desperately to survive, because surviving is no longer just a monthly expense. Surviving also implies maintaining the spirit alive, not letting it extinguish nor drown in the quick sands of the ego. That tricky image of who we are.
Animals… they seem to have true intentions in every move they make. They do not doubt… From the cat’s leap to the garden wall, to the big Puma and his natural jump: measured, fair, exact, accurate, with no unnecessary energy expense.
With no unnecessary energy expense… it is there where we find the philosophy for living. And I am not saying to leave for tomorrow what you can do today, nor implying not to make efforts to achieve your goals in life. But it does mean to be relaxed, serene, certain, served chilled, and with no worries at all when you do not need to be worried. Worry when you need to get worried, get distance when you need to do so, and take action any time you feel must do so.
Ultimately, truth goes beyond any word. Goes beyond any language, nation, political party, religion, colour of your skin… any primitive differentiation we want to take into account. Nature´s geometry can only blow your mind, but never rationalize it.
Again, I ask for a Little bit of abstraction. Of course I am not sure where I want to get with all of this. But I know there are people out there who find echoes in these lines I share. And the common denominator is always the same: a vision of change, with a certain degree of frugality, of simplicity, of enjoying of what I do.
“I have lived through much, and now I think I have found what is needed for happiness. A quiet secluded life in the country, with the possibility of being useful to people to whom it is easy to do good, and who are not accustomed to have it done to them; then work which one hopes may be of some use; then rest, nature, books, music, love for one‟s neighbor – such is my idea of happiness. And then, on top of all that, you for a mate, and children, perhaps – what more can the heart of a man desire?”[1]
Having written to you for two years now, I feel like keep on doing so, just like a conversation in a bar, or waiting for the bus, or even when you wake up in the morning, or in any of those moments of the day when you allow your mind to go out and play for a while, and feel…
Until next week!
Brian Lonsgtaff.-
[1] Leo Tolstoy, “Family Happiness” – extraído de “Into The Wild”, Jon Krakauer. First Anchor Books Edition, February 1997. Pág 169.
Alan Reich May 16 , 2013 at 02:40 PM /
Muy bueno!