Greetings to everyone, a strong hug for starters!
I write to you today, opening up a little bit; these days I have been feeling strongly passionate, motivated, by the ideas that I am trying to flow towards you. I profoundly believe that major changes are ahead for our world. And I feel we can not be alien to them.
The statistics of our web page show positive changes. A lot of people are passing by to see what ploff is. And although this is excellent, it is still not enough to achieve effective change worldwide. A lot friends tell me “you can’t change the world all by yourself, try no to stress out, chillax!” And they speak truth, because they say this to me when they see I get a little bit too anxious with all of this.
And so, here comes my leap of faith. This is to encourage the free distribution of information. And this is a profound concept. Ideas do not happen by their own. Ideas need patrons to be encouraged. If you find something interesting, spread it out… if you read something you enjoyed here, talk about it in your jobs, you’re your friends, at home… if you could not invest a couple of hours in the weekend to read the ploff awareness essay yet, please, give me that chance next weekend, during your next reading session, to tell you some things we must know as living beings. If you did read it, and you liked it, pass it on to someone else! I believe that, together, we can all – for real – awake the masses!
A great help towards this comes from the feedback of information, and I can do this when you guys send me interesting things to upload to this site. On one hand, when my friend Agustín Darío Estala, graduated in international relations, read the article on oil spills and culture two weeks ago, he wrote an excellent answer back to me which I want to share with you here. Agus has an open vision as well as critical. Moreover, he offered himself to manage ploff’s twitter to give us some help. Thanx Agus!
On the other hand, my friend Noel sent me an interesting blog which I wanted to share with you as it has varied information and debates are taken forward which are very interesting to read. Cool videos are uploaded (like the one of George Carlin I uploaded last week), pictures, etc. It is worth keeping it in mind. The slogan is building a culture of resistance.
While doing another essay for university, i stumbled upon this book: “Los que se van” (“Those who are gone”) of Juan Carlos Chébez, a prime biodiversity defender in Argentina. In a web site referred to the book I found a list of different careers related to nature and the environment which I believe not everybody knows (when I left college I did NOT know them). For those interested in the Earth and do not know what to study, here are some options. – I was surprised not to find my career in this list, but just in case, I leave to you here as well!, just in case. =)
“People are really doing the best they can, given their level of awareness” – Deepak Chopra.
My dear readers, all the best for this week!
Brian Longstaff.
Nayla Gisella Sep 05 , 2011 at 05:00 PM /
Qué bueno saber de la existencia de otras carreras relacionadas con el medio ambiente y los verdad no estaba enterada.
Y, por otro lado, haciendo alusión a la primera parte de este escrito, dicen que la unión hace a la fuerza y aunque cada uno por sí solos podemos aportar con ideas y proyectos propios, es bueno estar unidos sabiendo que aunque sea en otra faz de nuestro planeta, hay seres humanos que comparten las mismas ideas y tienen las mismas ganas de encararlas…
Lo bueno es no forzar algo hacia un fin, porque sino produces lo contrario…hay que procurar actuar cuando la fuerza se debilite para poder avanzar con resolución…esto se llama Principio de acción Oportuna (*) y lo cito porque creo que éste, momento actual, es el mejor momento para encarar con fuerza y corazón este tipo de cosas… están dando muchas señales de que es momento para un cambio ….(*) es uno de los 12 Principios de Acción Válida del Movimiento Humanista, movimiento social y cultural en donde participo y milito.
Yo soy estudiante de Ingeniería en Recursos Naturales y Medio Ambiente acá, en Santa Rosa y me fascina todo lo que tenga que ver con la biodiversidad, la ecología, el cuidado de la naturaleza, en fin..lo que tenga que ver con lo que estudio.
Te y les mando un cálido saludo de PAZ, FUERZA Y ALEGRÍA!! Y espero poder aportar cosas e ideas copadas, mientras me voy nutriendo de sus ideas e iniciativas. Gracias por compartir esto! =)
Ploff Sep 09 , 2011 at 05:36 PM /
Hola Nayla,
Muchas gracias por tu respuesta. La paz, fuerza y alegría se hicieron sentir!
"aunque sea en otra faz de nuestro planeta" – es así… nuestra generacion es marcadamente diferente a sus predecesoras, suena a cliché, pero es la realidad, producto de una situación insostenible, y unas ganas de algo mejor. A seguir estudiando.
Te esperamos (al menos 10 minutos por semana!), para seguir compartiendo cosas!
Saludos y GRACIAS!
Nayla Gisella Sep 12 , 2011 at 03:49 AM /
Qué lindo y qué bueno!! Voy a seguir visitando y compartiendo!! Nos vemos!!
Luciano Borneana Sep 08 , 2011 at 09:53 AM /
Brian Longstaff Sep 09 , 2011 at 05:25 PM /
thanx luchito! overseas hug!